European Family Law

Find out who we are
Who we are

Who we are

Prof. Avv. Salvatore Patti in 2017 with the aim to create a network of lawyers and scholars of Family and Succession law of the different European countries who are capable, first of all, to offer a place of reflection, as well as cooperation and assistance in cases concerning Family law and Succession law, that have cross-boarder features. Therefore, E.F.L. organizes an annual convention at national and EU level (some of which were held in Oviedo, Regensburg, Rome, Matera, Pisa), in order to address the most actual and relevant topics with reference to the European law and to the evolution of the individual national laws.

The Association favors the exchange of trainees and young lawyers for periods of study and experience among law firms and universities in other countries and cooperates with the main associations of Family law in order to organize seminars and meetings on a national as well as international level, as well as with a Legal English School for the organization of courses in the field of Family Law and Succession Law.

Who we are

Prof. Salvatore Patti

Founder of the E.F.L. Association.

Salvatore Patti is an Ordinary professor for Private Law at the University “Sapienza” in Rome. Before starting his career at the University “Sapienza”, Salvatore Patti was lecturing as Professor to the universities of Sassari (1978-1986) and Trieste (1986-1995) and was Professor for Civil Law at the University Bocconi in Milan from 2006-2008. He was a scholarship holder at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, at the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), the British Academy and the German-American Fulbright Commission. He has been Visiting Professor at the Universities of Stanford, Yale, Zurich, Freiburg and Bochum. He has edited or co-edited numerous periodicals, including the “Nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata”, the “Familia”, the “Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht” and the “Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht”. Acting as an expert coordinator, he is responsible for the 2007 legal encyclopedia of the major Italian business paper “Il Sole 24 ore”. He was speaker in more than two hundred national and international conferences and is the author of more

than four hundred publications. Under his editorship a team of lawyers of the law firm have published translations of the German Civil Code (BGB), the Italian Civil Code (Codice civile) and the German Civil Procedure (ZPO) using the publishers Giuffrè of Milan and Beck in Munich. This was achieved in collaboration with Italian and German scholars.Salvatore Patti is a member of several legal associations, such as the International Academy of Comparative Law, of the Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung and of the French Association Henri Capitant. In 1978 he received the “Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana” order for academic services. Besides, in 2002 he was awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit, First Class, of the Federal Republic of Germany for his work in connection with German-Italian legal relationships. In 2006, he was called to the bench at the CAF, a branch of the Federazione Italiana Gioco Calcio. Salvatore Patti has practiced as a lawyer since 1974 and since 1987 has been authorized to practice at the Italian High Court, the Corte di Cassazione. He is a member of the Munich Bar. He is an expert on the major fields of civil.

Avv. Maria Alessandra Iannicelli

Collaborator of the E.F.L. Association since the foundation.

After graduating from Law school at the University of Naples “Federico II”, she obtained a Master’s degree in “Diritto del minore” at the University of Rome “Sapienza”. She obtained a PhD in “Diritto e nuove tecnologie: indirizzo bioetica” at the University of Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”. She has been a postdoctoral researcher in Institutions of Private Law and has held teaching positions at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Rome “Sapienza”. She has been adjunct professor in Private Law of Economics at the Department of Law of the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Since 2018, she is a research fellow in Comparative Private Law at the Law Department of the University “Roma Tre”. Since 2016, she is editor-in-chief of the journal Familia. Il diritto della famiglia e delle successioni in Europa. She is author of publications and has been speaker at conferences, mainly on Family Law. She obtained the qualification for practicing the forensic profession in 2010 and is registered with the Bar Association of Rome.

Avv. Maria Pagliara

Collaborator of the E.F.L. Association since the foundation.

Graduate in Law at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa (Naples) with a degree in civil law “Family law and the advent of ADR techniques.” She attended the masters “Business Lawyer” and “Contracts Corporate and Arbitration” at Il Sole 24 Ore. In 2018, she participated at a Summer Law Program about “Advanced Concept in Corporate & Business Law”, “U.S. Legal System”, “Anti-Corruption Law” and “International Money Laundering” at the Widener University Delaware Law School. She is a member of the editorial staff of the legal journal “Familia. Il diritto della famiglia e delle successioni in Europa” directed by Prof. Avv. Salvatore Patti.  She obtained the qualification for practicing the forensic profession in 2020 and she is registered with the Bar Association of Rome.. She works with the Law Firm since 2015.



The project MIRI,

The project “MiRI – Minor’s Right to Information in EU civil actions” aims at improving the situation of children involved in civil cross-border cases, with particular reference to children’s right to receive adequate information. In this light, the Project is intended to examine and evaluate the current practices in the area of family law by legal practitioners, courts and authorities, as well as by social workers and psychosocial practitioners in Italy, in order to develop common best practices and ensure the application of EU and national law.

To this aim, the Project will also organise domestic best practices exchange conferences in the involved countries (Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Latvia, as well as France and Portugal).

The final objective of the project is to create a set of Guidelines on common best practices to be applied in all EU Member States, that can be adopted by judges, legal practitioners and professionals involved in cross-border family cases. MiRI is supported by the European commission.



English online courses

With Att. Arlene Rochlin a mother-tongue lawyer with over 20 years of experience in the United States and 13 years of teaching Legal English in Italy.

The courses are intended especially for lawyers, accountants, consultants, translatore, managers and even university or postgraduate #students, and will be held in English. The lessons have both a theoretical and practical approach.

The duration of the courses is 3 days and at the end of each course a certificate of participation will be issued. Thanks to the convention between the E.F.L. Association and the OK!Center, the member can benefit from the following discount:

  • a discount of 40% for “Family Law” and “Inheritance Law” courses
  • a discount of 30% for all the other corses of Legal English.

In order to obtain the coupon for the discount, the subscription at E.F.L. Association is required.

For further information:

To receive information on how to become a memeber, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: or follow the page on Linkedin



FAMILIA | Il diritto della famiglia e delle successioni in Europa

Year 2019

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Year 2017

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Year 2020

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Year 2018

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Year 2016

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Conferences and participations of European Family Law.

Become a member

Become a member

The annual membership fee amounts to 30,00 Euros.
For lawyers who, in their own country, are already members of a national association of Family law, the membership fee is reduced to 10,00 Euros. 
The IBAN code to transfer the membership fee is: IT44N0344003219000000307100, registered to “E.F.L. European Association for Family and Succession Law”, Banca Popolare di Spoleto, Via Cicerone, 36 – 00193 Rome. The purpose of the transfer can be “E.F.L. membership fee – reporting year – first name and surname of the member”.

The E.F.L. members benefit from a discount on the annual subscription to the journal Familia ( and a benefit to book the Legal English Courses.

Become a member


Address: Via Tacito 41 – 00193 Rome   |   Tel.: 06.68192371   |   E-mail:   |   Linkedin:View profile

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